Traveling is one of the most exciting moments in life, for it offers an escape from the mundane world and its limitations. Whether you prefer to wander through bustling streets, explore ancient ruins, or sit atop a mountain and gaze at untouched beauty, your soul will be replenished by a single trip. Traveling restores your mind and soul to the challenges they were born to conquer; but how can you tell if the path you choose is one that will lead you toward enlightenment, or towards demise?
Travel is not always an escape; it can also be a way of life. If your traveling allows you to better yourself as a person, then your heart will begin to open and sympathies for others will deepen. You’ll take notice of the things that hurt people and will want to do something about it, which is a wonderful way of seeing the world. Traveling provides endless opportunities for learning, but if you’re unsure of what to do once you get there, then you probably shouldn’t go!
Travel and enlightenment are not mutually exclusive – they can be found within just about anything you do. For example, a monastery that spends its days in silence and contemplation is practicing enlightenment while still visiting the outside world.